- It’s a Phil Woods kind of day!
6th grader Luke started Phil Wood’s “Stolen Moments.
- After spending about 10 mins looking for a solid tune/solo to transcribe. Got about 8.5 measures in 15-20 mins. Not bad for a 30 min lesson!
- Stolen Moments, another song that gets called on a gig and love the minor chords. Why not start a student on a song with a minor progression. Charlie Shoemake gave me Bup-A-Loup and I still remember that to this day.
7th grader Layla N. started on Phil Wood’s recording on “Star Eyes”
- After spending again, 15 mins of searching, and searching for a song that I know the student will use in a gig situation (was almost going to do Senior Blues), Star Eyes is a really wonderful song to call on a gig because it can be played at many tempos and is just a beautiful song (I used to call my pit-mix Faith “Star Eyes” because her beautiful brown eyes flared out like stars – so Star Eyes it is!
- We got about four solid measures done, but next time we’ll blaze through this because Layla can sing. And singing helps the students “find the notes”.